If you can't make it better you can laugh at it. ~Erma Bombeck


Wednesday, March 12, 2008


I am officially floating on cloud nine! Daughter called and said that she made



I guess I'd better hurry up and introduce her officially so you will all know what a HUGE accomplishment this is. For a quick preview, you can read a little about her here. I do enough preaching and complaining in here that I thought it was about time I did some BRAGGING!

For the first time since October 18, 2007, I am optimistic about the possibility of ever having her home again... and I'm Walkin' on Sunshine!!


  1. YEA!!! I lvoe to hear proud mom moments!!!! Congrats to her, I am sure that is no small accomplishment.


  2. Christina - thank you!! Yes, it is truly HUGE!! And welcome back to the land of the living.

  3. Wow, that is great news! Way to go Daughter!

    I'm going to start doubling my prayers that my kids will always make the right choices. Just seems like peers have more influence than parents sometimes. Or maybe I'll just lock my kids up in the house till they are 30 something. lol

  4. Wonderful! It was time for you to have something happy happen. I'll bet Daughter is even more motivated to do well now.

    On another topic:

    Yesterday, Puppy Dog asked me, "Mom, do you love Damama?"

    Me: "Yeah, she's a sweet lady isn't she?"

    PD: "Mom, do you believe in Damama?"

    Me: "What do you mean by that?"

    Hmm...if not everything that happens on TV is real, then maybe not everything that happens on the computer is real. I wonder if that is what he was thinking. He seemed confused and he didn't know how to ask in a different (clearer) way.

  5. Oh, what great news. I'm so happy for you and daughter. I see she is at a point where you two can communicate via phone now too. Woohoo. Yippee!!!

  6. Kudos to your daughter! I love watching kids reap the benefits of good choices. This is a big deal....take time to enjoy it. :)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. I loved reading your meme history with all 3 of your children. Life is certainly not perfect. We have to do the best with the gifts we have, the opportunities we're presented and the resources at hand. I love your on-going pride in your children and your belief in their abilities no matter the current situation. I am proud of your daughter, too.


  9. Lisa - Wow is right. Peers do have a lot of influence - much more than parents want to acknowledge most of the time. 30 sounds like a good age to start letting them THINK about going out. ;o)
    Brandi - You are absolutely right about it being time for happy stuff! We are praying that this success will taste REALLLY good and make her hunger for more.

    Regarding Puppy Dog - I'm going to send him a special something in the email for being such a smart boy. xoxoxo
    Margie - Yeppers - we finally get a phone call once a week, but they let her make a special call to tell us this good news. She hates it there because it's really hard work! DUH! She obviously missed something about the m.i.l.i.t.a.r.y. s.c.h.o.o.l concept! LOL! She actually said she thought it was going to be a walk in the park! Nutty kid!
    Tammy - Thanks! We are praying that this experience will teach her how to make better choices everywhere. It IS a big deal! Wish I could be there to hug her and enjoy it with her, but... She's where she needs to be for now. And some day...
    Angie - How sweet of you to take time to read all that. God has definitely given us some tough nuts to crack. Thank Him that He equipped us for it before he shipped 'em down! LOL!

    And you are right - no matter what they do, I am always proud that they are mine. I don't defend their actions, but I'd kick anyone's tail who tried to hurt a hair on their heads!

  10. That is awesome!!She'll find her niche in this world - just watch!!! Thank you for sharing your stories btw.

  11. Hooray! I am so happy for you AND your daughter.

  12. Damama - soak up the moment! so so great. allison

  13. That is so, so good! Well done Daughter! I hope she gets a HUGE sense of achievement and self-worth out of this, so that she can have a future. No wonder you're so proud. Wish I could give you the biggest hugs going right now!

  14. Hey Damama!!! I clicked the link and read the history with your kids. So, first of all--BIG CONGRATS to Daughter on being Cadet of the Week. That is a big deal, and something she can be proud of.

    Second, I so agree with what you wrote. There is nothing for you to be ashamed of. Things are NEVER gonna get any better if people stick their heads in the sand. Good for you for not doing that! And I am glad that things seem to be going in the right direction--YES!!!

  15. Hooray!! Congrats!! That is so neat, I can tell you are just bursting at the seams!!

    Love you, and thanks for all the support!!


    Pam and Rhett

  16. Congratulations on this great news -- I've begun perusing your blog and will be a regular reader. You are a great writer and a strong woman -- and I love that you realize that your children are human, not defined by their mistakes or lapses in judgment. You're an inspiration!


  17. WHOOO HOO! Congratulations to her!!

  18. Susan - We pray she will be able to find a way to stay away from the darkside; that this is just a start! And you are welcome for the story sharing. If just one other person learns anything from our experiences, it will all have been worth it.
    Angela - Thank you! We are sooo happy, too. And your situation is still in my prayers.
    Allison - I'm soakin' up the 7 letters we got in the mail from her today! Two of them had CADET OF THE WEEK, smiley faces, and exclamation points written all over the inside and outside. The rest were reminders to be there on time on the 19th to get her for a 3-day liberty pass! Crazy kid seems to be excited or something! LOL! ;o)
    Dragonstar - I wish you were here to give me a big hug, too. She did say in one of the letters that this is the BEST thing that has ever happened to her, and for the first time in her life she said she's proud of herself! AMAZING! That future is getting easier to see!
    Kim-D - thank you for taking the time to read that, thank you for the congrats for the girl, And thank you for agreeing with my philosophy - not everyone does. I still get nasty notes from people telling me I shouldn't be "bragging" about my kid's criminal bs. LOL! To each their own!

    Thanks for stopping by.
    Pam - So glad to see ya here! Bursting at the seams is a definite understatement! LOL! And I'm still PUSHing for ya, kiddo. xoxoxo
    Laura - Oh my, thank you! It's nice to have a new blog friend. :o) And I promise I will be back there soon. As promised, you just got bumped up the catch-up queue several notches. LOL! ;o)
    AZMom - WHOOOO HOOOOOOs all around. This has been a great week of good news for us both, hasn't it!


    Everyone - I told her when I talked to her that I'd be broadcasting this all over the world. Your responses are sooo uplifting! She will be so amazed. I'm going to print this out and mail it to her so she can read your kind words and well wishes. THANK YOU ALL SO VERY, VERY, VERY MUCH!

  19. Congrats to your daughter and yeah for optimism!! That puppet thing is hilarious. I LOVE that song.

  20. Hey D!

    I'm just jumping for joy here. But see what happens when you have a great mama (that's you)? I can feel you walking on air here. Your little girl is growing up to be someone very special. Thank you for sharing that. It made my day.

    Can you tell her, from me, if you get a chance, that she is someone who is quite awesome, and to keep up the fabulous work.

    The world needs more magical people like her ( and you too D... and you too).

  21. Burgh Mom - And Thanks from Damama o' DaDaughter. ;O)
    Valarie - If it weren't for optimism I'd be in s.e.r.i.o.u.s trouble! LOL! I love that song, too, and it says just EXACTLY what I feel - everything from being excited when I go to the mailbox to the part about not being able to wait until I get her back in my arms. Isn't it amazing that so many 'love' songs can apply so well to our kids, also?? Thanks so much for stopping by. I need to get over to your place to catch up! I'll be there soon. Promise.
    Jules - You made my day, girl! She truly is quite awesome and I will definitely be passing on your kind words. Thank you!


    Awesome is the perfect word to describe all of the wonderful people who read and comment on my life and lunacy. Awesomely Awesome! And more! Thank you all so much!

  22. YEA!! I just read all about her and your boys. Congrats to all!

  23. What a wonderful gift for you! Thanks for the link to your previous post about your family. I wasn't aware of all the details and it helps to get to know them a little better. I bet your daughter is so happy to make you proud.

  24. Woo hoo! That is totally awesome. What a proud moment for your family. Your daughter must be bursting.

  25. Tari - Thank you so much and welcome, newcomer! Thank you for taking the time to read the history, too and to comment. I hope you come back often.
    Michelle - You are absolutely right - it's a wonderful gift. We are just praying that she can take what she's learning into the "real" world when she graduates from this program in 18 monhts. Thanks for taking the time to read the rest of the story.
    Heather - We are still woo hooing! Thanks for stopping in. I'm so glad my address here wasn't only stored in your cell phone! ;o)

  26. Hooray! So glad to see some happy news!


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